Thursday, April 15, 2021

3 Facts That You Should Know About the Dental Implants

Most people think there is nothing wrong about missing a tooth. However, besides affecting one’s self-esteem, appearance, and ability to chew and smile confidently, it can actually cause a lot of dental problems down the line! Without that tooth, remaining teeth could shift, bone loss could occur, and jaw problems can develop. That is why you should immediately seek treatment from a dentist for a replacement, such as a dental implant. In that case, you should look for a dental implant dentist who has extensive experience in performing this procedure.

 If you are new to dental implants, you might be wondering how they can be beneficial and how they differ from the usual dentures. Here are three facts that can give you some basic knowledge about them:

 1. They are permanent replacements

 Unlike dentures, which are removable, dental implants are meant to be effective and permanent replacements to missing teeth. The implant is made of biocompatible material like titanium and it will be surgically implanted into the jaw where the missing tooth is. That way, it will serve as a root, and once it fuses with your gum tissue and jaw bone, the custom crown can be placed.

 2. They act like natural teeth

 A dental implant dentist customizes the treatment as per patient to make sure that the implant-supported restoration can look and feel like natural teeth. This way, you can continue your regular oral hygiene routine (i.e., brush and floss as usual) and enjoy your favorite foods. Moreover, you do not have to worry about the false teeth sticking out or looking obvious.

 3. Dental implants are not for everyone

 Only a dental implant dentist can determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. They will conduct a thorough dental exam to assess your jaw bone and verify that it is healthy enough for the implant. Otherwise, a more extensive procedure that involves bone grafting may be necessary. Generally, patients with gum disease, those who smoke, people with immature bones, have chronic medical conditions or take certain medications, and pregnant women may not be the best candidates for dental implants.

You can learn more about dental implants from a reputable dental implant dentist near you. Be sure to make an appointment for an assessment, so you know if it is the best treatment for you!

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