Thursday, August 26, 2021

Dental Deep Cleaning – Deep Cleaning for Healthy and Hygienic Teeth


Did you know that brushing and flossing are not enough to ensure a lifetime of good oral health? A regular professional tooth cleaning is also necessary, on top of dental deep cleaning in some cases!


What is this treatment and why should you get it?


Dental deep cleaning is the short term for periodontal scaling and root planning. It’s different from regular cleaning in many ways.

In a routine cleaning, the hygienist or dentist only cleans and polishes the outer surface of the teeth. Butwhen you undergo a deep cleaning procedure, the tartar and plaque buildup on your teeth, gum line, and on the surface are also removed!


Dental deep cleaning is often recommended for patients with gum disease. Scaling and root planing are needed when the pockets are large or 5 mm deep. Scaling is performed using special dental instruments including an ultrasonic scaling tool. The procedure removes plaque from the surface of the crown and root. It also involves application of antimicrobial agent below the gum to reduce oral bacteria. Meanwhile, root planing removes cementum and surface dentin which comes with bacteria and toxins. 


Benefits of dental deep cleaning


Stops the progression of gum diseases


The space between the gums and teeth will continue to widen if the disease is not properly treated. This can lead to major problems like weakening of bones and teeth loss. If you already have gum disease, deep cleaning can stop it from further advancing.


Eliminate bad breath


Plaque buildup, cavities and gum disease are the primary causes of bad breath. Through this treatment, you can finally do away with this embarrassing problem.


Improve smile


Tartar and plaque sitting below the gumline are often visible and may make you feel conscious when smiling or talking. Scaling and root planning removes them from the teeth so you can smile more confidently!


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