Friday, March 11, 2022

Get Invisible Teeth Aligners if You are Self-Conscious while Smiling

Having crooked teeth is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, its cause is often something out of your control, such as evolution and genetics. But misaligned teeth could prevent you from smiling your best in front of your friends and family. If you tend to grow self-conscious of your smile, invisible teeth aligners can help you bring your confidence to greater heights!

When should you get invisible teeth aligners?

Anyone can get teeth aligners when they need them. For some people, the reason could be purely cosmetic. Maybe you just want to improve your smile and gain more confidence.

For others, however, misaligned teeth cause serious problems. People with crooked teeth often have trouble with chewing, tooth decay, cavities, and gingivitis. On top of that, they may suffer from strained muscles in their jaw, increasing the risk of breaking a tooth.

Your dentist may also look for signs and symptoms such as the abnormal appearance of your face or speech difficulties. In this situation, qualified dentists may suggest invisible teeth aligners as a treatment.

Three reasons why invisible teeth aligners are your best option

Little do people know that aligners are much different from traditional metal braces. The former offers benefits such as:

1.    Less visibility

The downside of braces is that they are made of metal, making them obvious when you smile, talk, or eat. Clear aligners, on the other hand, are virtually invisible. You don’t have to worry about them ruining your photos, and you can smile confidently.

2.    Faster effectivity

Braces can take up to five years to fully straighten your teeth. On top of that, you’ll have to constantly make trips to the dentist to have them adjusted over time. Meanwhile, invisible aligners can fix misalignment in just one and half years, or even shorter, depending on how crooked your teeth are.

3.    Removability

The best thing about clear teeth aligners is that they are removable. You can easily take them off when you’re eating, preventing food from getting trapped between your teeth and making brushing much more manageable.

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