Friday, March 11, 2022

Here’s Why You Need to Choose Invisible Clear Aligners Over Traditional Braces?

Is there a significant difference between invisible clear aligners and traditional metal braces? Yes; and your final decision could ultimately affect the way your teeth are fixed!

Invisible clear aligners and braces — What’s the difference?

There are two noticeable differences between aligners and braces; appearance and material. Traditional braces are made of metal or porcelain, making them more visible. They also come with colored rubber bands and metal wires that provide the force needed to move your teeth in the proper position.

Meanwhile, clear aligners are made of thin plastic-like trays that place gentle pressure on your teeth. They often come with tooth-colored attachments, making them less conspicuous even when you smile or talk.

The advantages of choosing invisible clear aligners over traditional braces

Aside from appearance, why are invisible clear aligners the better option for straightening your teeth? Here are a few advantages of the orthodontic device:

1.    Customizability and comfortability

Unlike braces, clear aligners are custom-made for your teeth. Despite the initial discomfort when you have them first attached, you’ll soon get used to it, and any pain can easily be managed.

2.    Removability

The most significant advantage of invisible aligners is that they are removable. Because of this, you can freely take them off when eating, brushing, or flossing for better comfort. In fact, you can even remove them when attending special occasions to make yourself less conscious and more confident.

However, it’s important to note that you should wear your aligners as prescribed. Most dentists would suggest wearing them for a minimum of 22 hours per day to prevent any problems with your teeth.

3.    Fewer appointments

Before getting aligners, your orthodontist will pre-plan any tooth movement to ensure that everything ends up in the right spot. This means fewer appointments and easier maintenance, allowing you to continue with your busy life!


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